I made a model of the world, it is arbitrary, I know. But I couldn’t seem to stop making them.
The image and the real are both present, since being human includes both. One (or I) can tend to be purist and aim to just dwell in one of the realms. I wanted to create a movement in between the two, a vibration, bouncing back and forth.
So for me this work isn’t solely about nature and it’s processes, rather it is about the relationship, we as solid “I:s”, have to the entropy and movement that is necessary for us to exist as material beings. A solidity that is seems hard to unite with the apparent dissolution that awaits us.
It is about wanting to be in control. To make an order that is satisfactory. To conquer clarity.
But the world is a foggy, folded, and dark labyrinth ( for example, what I thought to be just a simple moss branch holds in its biofilm a whole new world of creatures when seen in a microscope)
We and the apples are that which falls. Life begins as we fall of a cliff, and continues towards dissolution – this is Alan watts idea. It is scary to be able to perceive our impermanence. And it is hard not to cling to the stones falling next to us, as if they would grant safety.
Maybe instead the fall can be joyous, and ecstatic.
Rilke talks in his 10e duionelegy about a joy in nature that is descending rather that arising.
And Karin boye, in her poem “yes of course it hurts”, lets the clinging and fearful drops fall into to an ecstatic glitter rain and “feel for a second their greatest safety, rest in that trust that creates the world.”