A space cadet wakes up by the rattle of his spaceship leaving the atmosphere of the earth. He is faced with the glowing sphere of his destination, the Moon, ahead of him. As he approaches the point where he is supposed to launch the rocket for course trajectory, he ponders his life, his village, and his education. But he needs to maintain his focus - if he launches the rocket too late, he will have passed the gravity field of the moon, and will be lost in space forever.
[I examensarbetet ingår utställningen "There is Plenty of Misery for Everyone":]
Lentikulärbilder med 3d effekt samt animation av groteska motiv som har kopplingar till holländskt 1600tals måleri
Material: Lentikulärbilder i plastram.
Teknik: Foto/video.
Examensarbetet består av 9 bilder samt en essä