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Invisible Trains
Royal Institute of Art.
2024 (English)Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master of Fine Arts (Two Years)), 10 HE creditsStudent thesis [Artistic work]
Abstract [en]

I feel the need to warn you

This will get personal 

Whether I like it or not, I must tell you

I was born in Miskolc 


The city of heavy industry 

Where you find 161,265 souls

The county capital of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén

The fourth largest city of Hungary.


My mother once or twice 

or rather 31 times told me a story 

She had already moved up to Budapest 

Met my biological father and had gotten pregnant


I keep the other part out of this story

the part about her education in architecture 

– We don’t have the time for that 

Even-tho it is tempting to tell


It has some funny turns as well 

Just like the story about my birth

I don’t know why

But my mother likes to talk about herself


But this time it’s getting too far

She doesn’t know but it bothers me

I don’t want to hear this particular story 


Abstract [en]

I am interested in notions of memory, found stories that people might

not notice but are important to me. These stories originate in my home country, Hungary. I collect Hungarian words and phrases, translating them into English and then into Swedish—I have noticed that I often use English as the bridging language between Hungarian and Swedish.

This puzzle of languages shapes my current work, which takes the form of multimedia installations. For my solo exhibition presented at Galleri Mejan, I created an installation called Invisible Trains, which revolves around found footage filmed in my hometown, Miskolc. In the work, a tourist visiting the city decides to film her trip on a little railway. She films her journey up to a mountain called Bükk, passing all sorts tourist attractions and sights. While visiting her husband’s family in Miskolc, they decide to go up to the famous fish farm called Garadna, however, the fish farm is closed when they arrive so they decide to go back to the city. The footage feels edited but at the same time not, as there seems to be a linear order. Jumping on the little railway, going up the mountain and then down again, they end their journey at a viewpoint. They look down at the houses they recognize. I decided to travel to Miskolc and take the same journey up to the mountain. I then transformed this experience into an installation where the sound of a whisper guides the visitor around the gallery space. A video work, sculptures, and analog projections serve as clues embodying the attraction sights.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2024. , p. 57
Keywords [en]
Fine Arts, Hungary, Miskolc, Video, Installation
National Category
Visual Arts
URN: urn:nbn:se:kkh:diva-920OAI: oai:DiVA.org:kkh-920DiVA, id: diva2:1854028
External cooperation
Available from: 2024-04-24 Created: 2024-04-24 Last updated: 2024-04-24Bibliographically approved

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