This project investigates themes and systems of power, money, gender and sexuality. The human being and the commodity, the art object, are set against the backdrop of lust, greed, and consumption. According to John Dalberg-Acton, “Power tends to corrupt absolute power corrupts absolutely”” I’m curious in the application of this in contemporary society. To provide a sandbox for this research, I developed a fictitious dark satirical “evil” company and named it “Abezethibou,” a fallen angel and demon portrayed in Solomon’s pseudepigrapha Testament. This demon looked into people’s hearts in order to destroy them from the inside out. The heads of hell tasked them with infiltrating the Egyptian pharaohs’ courts and leading them along the path of evil. I want to put the audience in uncomfortable situations while also suggesting some alternative realities about our world. Not by pointing fingers at them, but creating situations where the audience will have to look at themselves on some level. We are human and we have the potential for good and evil. As Dalberg-Acton implied, power corrupts those who hold it. Those in power are allured by its existence and those who do not have it desire it. Using these tactics, I want to explore the ambiguity of modern life, shaped by digital networks and economics. This resulted in my graduation exhibition and an interactive sculpture that can be accessed by scanning a QR code available in the KKH library. Can also be acesssed online: