he pop culture I consumed as an adolescent put a stamp on the art I do today.
I loved the The O.C. and Gossip Girl. Teen series where all the characters are beautiful, rich and all messed up. You can relish in the drama and feel somewhat better about your own life. Similarly I take an early interest in Celebrities lives. First by getting exposed to gossip through my great aunt se och hör collection and then by buying my own gossip magazines in my teens.
I am alone a lot in my adolescence, which I partly choose to stay at home and keep an eye on my sick mother, but also because I am bullied. It's in this solitude that I begin to draw and create things.
Images rich in color, brands or beauty really draw me in. Its a place I take alot of inspiration from. I keep them with me and use them in my art whether for ideas for painting or to just use them while making collages. I love the materiality of creating collage. In my opinion, there are no rules and there is rather an attentive approach to how the pictures will look.It's not something that will work in all contexts. I tried using the collage techniques in painting, but It's not something which is working for me. Collage in 2d is not hitting its mark but rather when I work with the material in a sculpural way thats when things start to make sense. I think about how Hannah Höch revolutionised the photo montage among other Dadaists in the early 20th century. The way I see it there are no rules but rather an attentive response to images.
When it comes to painting it's finally lamented itself when I work with myself as the subject. Using my memories to create the stories that are being told on the canvas.
Bilderna dokumenterar min examensutställning från galleri mejan. Jag ville leka lite med utställningsrummet och valde att använda tyg för att lägga ut mina avfotograferade tecknings collage på golvet. Jag drog tyget från ett bord och ut på golvet som en mantel. På bordet låg min tecknings bok där alla avfotograferade tecknings kollage kom ifrån. Jag använde även typband hängande som tungor vid några av de andra trycken för att understrycka att dessa tryck kom från boken. Målningarna på väggarna har jag målat utifrån minnen både från barndomen men även i nutid och föreställer mig i olika situationer.