What do we perceive, how do we perceive it and how do we then describe it? I try to reach an answer by describing artworks by Ida Ekblad, Franz West, René Magritte, Eva Löfdahl and Shunsuke Komatsu. I describe them from different medias into texts. I then try to find common observations and similarities in the texts. Following the thoughts of Maurice Marleau-Ponty I briefly discuss different aspects that effects our perception. The object and how it relates to its surroundings, how difficult it is to separate. Wholeness and details. The perceiver and the influence by the media from which you perceive. Experience, memories and time. Language and form (both physical and in language), The difference between description and analyses. The qualities that constitutes an object and how they are related to the senses. If an object is its material.
Masterarbetet består av en skriftlig del och en gestaltande del.